Blueberry Hill Farms       Texas                                            Pick 'n Edom 
10268 FM 314
Edom, Texas 75756
The slideshow on the right  was produced on Thursday April 21,2010. 
And, don't worry about the Bee hives we move them off premise in May!
In 1999 Chuck & Sherri Arena purchased the farm from Bob & Marilyn Rogers who established the farm in 1982. We wanted to get our three girls away from the hustle and bustle of the city, at least in the summertime. So, in 1999 we opened the farm up to U-Pick and in 2003 we bulit our Country Store to offer clean restrooms and an air conditioned store to allow our customers to cool off and shop for jams, salsas, and our Bakery.

Are we Organic?

After where are you located?, Are we organic? Is the second most asked question. So, here is the best answer I can give you. Organic means many things to many people. Blueberry Hill Farms is not Certified by the state as an organic farm, and any farm saying they are organic must be Certified by the state of Texas as such.

We practice organic principles of farming, but use a blended approach of farming techniques. My family eats the berries right off the bush.

 -Chuck Arena

Picture of our Clean Orchard

Chuck & Sherri Arena, owners

Kindergarten quote:

" When I grow up I want to be a Farmer"

We make a delicious Ice Cream Sandwich- ask for 'em
Just some pictures of farms and other points of interest
We provide the Picking baskets pictured below: the basket hold 8-9 pints of blueberries.
1999- Family Portrait-The year we purchased the farm, thanks to my mother-in-law Doris Teague for insisting on a family portrait that year.
When your Hot, our Blueberry Lemonade hits the spot.
Our new field in Ben Wheeler, TX. The Row mulcher is throwing Pine Bark Mulch in the row, used for fertilizing and weed prohibition.
2010- Snowed three times this winter, I have never seen snow three times in a winter here in Texas
Our Magnolia Tree- at least hundred and fifty years old, notice how the road veers around it. I assume Indians used to sit under it. A neighbor who is eighty-three years old says he used to climb it when he was a young boy.