Blueberry Hill Farms       Texas                                            Pick 'n Edom 
10268 FM 314
Edom, Texas 75756
The Berry Bush Blueberry Farm is now part of Blueberry Hill Farms!
We have been making improvements to the Orchard since October 2014 and are excited about the Orchards potential to grow delicious big blueberries.
The Berry Bush  Orchard will  be OPEN to the Public  
July15th through July 16th, 2022 this week.
The Berry Bush is located at 12589 State Highway 64 in Ben Wheeler, TX 75754
The Berry Bush is part of Blueberry Hill Farms
Picking is currently 8 out of a scale 1-10. 
Real easy picking at The Berry Bush 

The Berry Bush Blueberry Farm

We will OPEN the Orchard this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, July 15th, 16th, and 17th

Hours of Operation are 7:00 am till 12:00 noon